Angellina Perez – Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer – Hi, My name is Angellina!What’s my specialty?I can help you grow a booty and get slim abs at the same time!YES, IT IS POSSIBLE!To drop fat and gain muscle at the same time!As a professional personal trainer and nutritionist with over a decade of experience I have learned a lot and would love to share all my secrets with you!I also specialize in bodybuilding and lifestyle athletes, nutrition and wellness to help women balance their hormonal levels for a healthier lifestyle and increased self confidence.I customize all workout plans and nutrition plans for my clients based on their goals.All my training programs come with private access by invitation only to my fitness app where you can access your weekly training, progress tracking, check ins and more.My dream is to help you attain your fitness and wellness goals, and help you feel happy with yourself; it’s what sets my soul on fire.When i was younger and didn’t know anything I used to asked for help and no one wanted to help me..I decided to study and learn everything I needed to achieve my fitness goals, now that I am a professional I live to help those around me reach their dreams too. I know what it feels like not knowing where to start or what to do and I want you to know you are not alone.Let me guide you in your journey!Schedule a Consultation below, let’s talk!
Personal Training Skills
Lifestyle Coach
Body Building
Strength Training