NASM Certified Personal Trainer in Orange County, California

Hey, I’m Glayol Kashani, the owner and founder of Built By G Coaching. I am a UCLA Alumna and have six years of experience with 1500 transformations under my belt, I’m not just a personal trainer – I’m a dedicated supporter for busy professionals, like you, who are striving to reach their best physical shape despite the demands of their busy schedules.
At Built By G Coaching, I understand the challenges you face – unrealistic commitments, impractical and rigid meal plans, the never-ending cycle of trying to squeeze in long workouts. That’s why I ditch the one size fits all approach and find a custom plan that seamlessly fits into your lifestyle because, let’s be honest, if it doesn’t fit, it won’t last.
My specialties? Weight loss and long term weight loss management, muscle building, powerlifting, women’s physique, rehabilitation – you name it. Whether you’re a busy parent with no time for yourself, a corporate worker longing for the day to fit in that old dress, preparing for the police academy, or dealing with a nagging injury, I’m here to help you get real results with compassionate and understanding coaching every step of the way.
My goal? To be the last coach you’ll ever need. Say goodbye to the endless cycle of hiring different trainers – with Built By G Coaching, I’m committed to helping you stay fit for life.
So, are you ready to embark on this journey with me? Let me teach you how to make fitness a sustainable part of your life. Join me at Built By G Coaching, and let’s make your health and fitness goals a reality, together. Schedule a consultation by texting 949-878-5130.
“I struggled with being overweight for years & was tired of losing & gaining the same 10 lbs every year. I contemplated working with a personal trainer for a long time, I was scared of the cost & committing to a lifestyle change. But training with Glayol has honestly been the best investment I’ve made.

I’ve lost 20 lbs in under 5 months, while training with Glayol. I won’t lie & say it’s been easy, but it’s definitely been worth it. G has always kept it real since the beginning. She’s very understanding, but will also let it be known if you’re not following directions. As long as you put in the work & follow her recommendations, you’ll see the results.
I’ve had a few struggles throughout this journey, but Glayol has always been very helpful. She takes the time to explain things in detail, & makes sure that you really understand what she’s saying.
When I signed up for training my main priority at the time was just losing weight. I didn’t know anything about counting macros, nor strength training, & lifting, but I’ve grown to love it. Although I still want to drop some body fat, I’m more interested in building muscle now. My overall eating habits have also improved so much since I started training. I’ve learned how to track calories/macros & how to prioritize protein. Fueling my body with food, has also made it possible to lift heavier & hit PRs.

Glayol always listens to my concerns & has never dismissed any of my problems or pains that I’ve encountered while training. I started having knee problems recently & have had some rough days due to it, but Glayol immediately found substitutions for certain movements that were causing irritation & assigned excercises to help with strengthing
Overall I’m extremely happy with Glayol’s services, & recommend training with her!”


Glayol is hands down the best trainer I’ve ever had! She’s tailored my workouts specifically to meet my short term goals (looking reasonable in my bathing suit in two months) and taking into account my pre-existing knee injury (torn meniscus). There’s something magical about her training method because I have yet to feel pain in my knee after a workout nor does my body feel overly sore from the workouts. In fact, my knee seems stronger. Glayol is fun to workout with and an excellent listener and motivator who pushes me beyond my own perceived weight lifting boundaries. Hiring Glayol is the best investment I have made in myself. I highly recommend Glayol and look forward to getting back in shape with her as my trainer.


Laurin Green – Dedicated and Relatable Personal Trainer

Dedicated and Relatable Personal Trainer –

Hello there, I’m Laurin, and I’m thrilled to be part of the team here at Self Made Costa Mesa, where I serve as a dedicated personal trainer. Whether your goals revolve around weight loss, wellness, or anti-aging, I’m here to be your compass on this transformative journey.

My own path to fitness wasn’t a walk in the park. At my heaviest, I weighed 265 pounds. But through a combination of fitness, adopting a healthier lifestyle, and nurturing mental resilience, I underwent a profound transformation, evolving into the bikini competitor you see before you today. It wasn’t about the duration of the journey, but rather the unwavering commitment to making it happen.

Choosing a coach is a deeply personal decision. You deserve someone who not only understands the challenges you face but has also walked a similar path. I don’t just speak about the journey; I’ve lived it. I’ve grappled with the very struggles you might be facing right now.

Believe me when I say, if I can overcome these obstacles, so can you. The key lies in the fierce determination to pursue your goals relentlessly. I’m here to be more than just a trainer; I’m here to be your ally, your confidant, and your biggest cheerleader.

Your journey begins with a single step, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Drop me a message, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.


Lindsay Schneider – Hypertrophy Coach & Glute Specialist

Hypertrophy Coach & Glute Specialist

My name is Lindsay Schneider, and I am a certified National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer. With over a decade’s worth of experience in the gym, it is my goal to guide and support you through your own personal transformation, inside and out! I personally got into weightlifting over 13 years ago, originally serving as a mental outlet to deal with the many stressors of life, it is now a large part of my life and has shaped me into the woman I am today. Consistent exercise through weightlifting has instilled great discipline in myself, is incredibly empowering and has brought calming mental clarity with every workout.


Physical exercise has been proven to be a powerful tool for personal development. Any tension, dissatisfaction or anxiety felt in the body is just energy- energy that what we want to release by literally moving it through the body via exercise. Personally, I find that weightlifting is the absolute best modality to release this energy, as it increases mental focus and clarity (internal) while actually building and sculpting your physique (external). I truly believe that a commitment to routine exercise is one of the fundamental building blocks to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. It can quite literally transform your internal and external state. I want nothing more than to see my clients transform their bodies and achieve their goals, even goals they may have thought are out of reach, while working with me.

I teach my clients proper weightlifting form, techniques and tempo, resulting in increased confidence in the gym and everyday life. My area of focus when working with clients is weightlifting and I specialize in lower body strength, power and hypertrophy with an emphasis on glute development. I strive to teach my clients mind to body connection, so ultimately, they are able to understand and intuitively know what their body wants and needs. With patience consistency and hard work, I am here to guide you to achieve and exceed your goals!

Shoshanna VanGemeren – Booty Building, Weight Training for Muscle Building

Booty Building, Weight Training for Muscle Building – I help my clients get RESULTS & achieve their health and fitness GOALS with a comprehensive method with in person training, certified over 15 years.My method includes a program of Weight Training sessions specific to client goals, for women helping them shape an amazing physique at any age, as I am over the age of 40 and glute building. Sessions can be done with or without the Neubie machine (Private or Shared). Also includes Cardio plan, Diet plan, and check ins to track progress.I am an IFBB Bikini Pro, actively competing since 2017.

Specialities:Booty Building, Weight Training for Muscle Building, Sessions using the FDA certified Neubie Machine, Weight Loss, Bikini physique

I am one of the few Neubie certified technicians in Orange County. The Neubie machine is used for muscle growth, muscle development and muscle related injury rehabilitation.

Please see the website for more information you train with me you get:Fitness professional with over 12 years of full time training experience including Golds Gym, Equinox Sports Club, and owning my own business as an independing trainer since 2018, Sculpted Shoshanna Fitness LLC.

I am an experienced professional, am punctual and prepared with your program. You’ll get confirmation and check in texts before and after your sessions.I love what I do and I care about my clients. I am also committed to helping them achieve their desired results.Fun fact about me: Assisted and trained with Billy Blanks, creator of Tae Bo, for over three years along with being in several workout DVDs.

Steven Sanada – Strength and Conditioning & Weight Loss Coach

Steven Sanada – Strength and Conditioning & Weight Loss Coach – My name is Steven Sanada and I’m a personal trainer here at Self Made Costa Mesa. I have been personal training for over 20 years.I use Strength Training and Muscle Building methods to create solutions for optimal health and longevity.Through program design and accountability, I specialize with older adults and our youth by creating healthy skeletal muscle mass programs that progressively helps people get stronger.

What is your Training Specialty?
Strength and Conditioning, Building Muscle, and Weight Loss